Funny how they only have to mention the word 'drought' on the news and it is enough to spur the rainclouds into action. You know it is really wet outside when even the kids realise that there is no point asking to go out to play and neither do they want to. Even Chloe who has cabin fever seemingly from the moment she gets out of bed was not at all inclined to venture outside.
I am of the cynical opinion that it is all part of a sinister plan to charge us yet more money for our water rates. How can the UK be suffering from a lack of rainfall when I spend a major part of the year soaked to the skin as soon as I dare to exit the front door. They say the land is dry but the large box of wellingtons under my stairs and the huge pile of kids umbrellas beg to differ!
I don't actually own an umbrella myself since the last two I dared to buy have fallen apart. The first was a nice little Totes version which I thought would be a good investment, sadly I was wrong, so I bought a cheap one from the pound shop, again it did not last long. Actually come to think of it the nice printed umbrella which Chloe chose from Debenhams had a disastrous first outing when the handle fell off. Considering we live in a Country famed for its notoriously bad weather you would think someone could invent an umbrella which is actually up to the job.
Despite the almost constant rainfall this weekend we have still been busy. Kerrie celebrated her 3rd birthday on Friday. By some way of a minor miracle we managed to get the whole brood up and organised so that she could open some of her presents before they went to school. They all sat at the table eating their breakfast while she covered their cereal in hastily discarded gift wrap. I wont bore you with the present list but suffice to say that the small Peppa pig and George beanies which we bought as last minute extras were easily the most popular toys. This is often the case in our house. Sometimes I do wonder why we spend so much time and money on their presents when in reality the most loved gift is usually of very little value and purchased in a hurry!
Several members of our family came over for an afternoon tea party with pink wafers as standard. A birthday is not a birthday in this house without pink wafers and party rings! Chocolate fingers and fairy cakes are also expected and it is considered a poor show if you do not provide a plate of egg butties. Lashings of ginger beer a la Enid Blyton are not required although if you could have seen my sister and I bouncing up and down the dining room with Peppa pig party blowers in our mouths while we did loud impressions of penguins you would be forgiven for thinking we were still enjoying our childhood. On reflection perhaps it is best that there were no witnesses, well apart from our dad and to be fair he already knows that we are both nuts.
Kerrie had a fantastic birthday. She proudly informed me in the morning that because she was three she could go to school soon which was all very well and good until she appeared to change her mind announcing at bedtime that she is not going to school because she is going to stay in the 'living loon' instead.......yes this is how Kerrie says 'living room' and it is not just my dodgy typing although in this house it could well have been a Freudian slip on her part.
The rest of the weekend passed us by in a whirlwind of meals, laundry, and judging by all the toys I picked up over the weekend they must have played with everything they own. James went to a fantastic birthday party for two of his little school friends. He had a great time going down the local dry ski slope on a rubber ring - yes it was a new one on me too. Apparently he was supposed to make his own way up to the top for the next ride but cheeky monkey or clever depending on your viewpoint, had one of the dad's pull him and his rubber ring back up to the top instead to the great amusement of Steve. I managed to see all my siblings over the weekend despite it being neither Christmas nor Easter ;-)
Sunday as the rain continued to fall I decided to make good use of my time stuck indoors and bake. Armed with Chloe my willing assistant we went a bit mad with some pastry and Steve has been sent to work with a homemade meat and potato pasty decorated with hearts and a little man. If his workmates take the mickey it is all my fault. I text him at lunchtime and lovingly suggested that the little man on his pasty is my way of giving him a hug to which he replied 'I've just bit his head off' Who said romance is dead eh!
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